Vacations are a time to make memories.
Describe a photo you took over the SPRING BREAK.
I went to Seattle... Even though the Space Needle was MORE FUN,
THIS pic taken at PIKES PUBLIC MARKET was a better photo-
DO NOT USE SAFARI- and Google CHROME has fewer problems than FIREFOX
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Answer one of the the following questions in 2-3 sentences, 1) What do YOU like to photograph? 2) What would you like to learn to do ...
If you haven't done it yet PLEASE take a minute to RESERVE your PhotoJournalism topic up on the sign-up sheet on the whiteboard- the...
Follow this link to a sample of what Time/Life considers to be some of the most important photographs in history: http://www.digitaljournal...
I took a photo over spring break of my sister when we went on a walk. There was a cherry tree with blossoms on it and she stood behind it so the blossoms were in the foreground and she was in the background, slightly blurred. Sadie S.
A photo I took over spring break was at the top of a tower in Port Gamble. This photo showed the forests around this area, the mountains in the distance, and the dramatic clouds in the sky. It was also sharp focus, so nothing was blurred.
Kaitlyn S.
I took a photo of my friends over spring break when we were hanging out. There was really good lighting like not to bright and not to dark and it reflected off them when I took the photo. Bao N.
One photo I took was of my sister. I had her leaning on the top of a brick wall with her hand out. I had the main focus point be her hand and a small portion of the wall. She was blurry, but you can still make out who the picture is of.
Sabrah s.
Over spring break I took a photo of my sister on train tracks. I focused on the joint of the tracks and used them as a leading line towards my blurred sister. -Savannah R-B
Over spring break I took a picture of my friend on her birthday. We were on her porch, and she was laying down on a hammock. The sky looked really pretty that day so it worked as a good background for that picture.
Claudia A.
I took some photos of houses for my grandma to help find colors for a house she is painting. I don take a lot of pictures.
I took a picture of my friend at the park next to a tree with all the light of the sun on her face but not too much so she could open the eyes. It looked really good and she was smiling really cute.
Rocio Z
this break i went to lincon city and i took a photo of the sunset along devials lake and there was many colors includeing pink ,orange,blue and yellow and there was trees around the lake so it gave a nice shadow on the lake. jordyn L
A photo I took was a picture of the sunset with my best friends, we had a bonfire and hung out and had alot of fun, but i was grounded for the majority of spring break so that was really the only thing I did.
-Skylar H
The best photo I have from spring break is of my friend hip firing a shotgun , and he thought he was cool and said "sayonara" before he shot it and it was funny.
Brady B
I took a picture of Battery Russell and it told a story on how old it was and the history behind it. All of the cannons and bullet wounds that were in it were beautiful, yet so tragic. The photo was warm, however you could feel the coldness within. -Olivia R
Over spring break I took a photo in the rose garden facing the middle of the arena with the Oregon duck woman's basketball team on the basketball cort.
Over Spring Break, I went to Palm Springs, and a photo that I took was of the pool at the hotel with some palm trees in the background, Everything was in focus. Cody K
I took a photo of me sitting on the edge of a tall cliff looking over the ocean at Manzanita. it was really sunny and the ocean is a beautiful blue. You can also see a small cave in the back with waves crashing into it.
Jaedon K.
Over spring break I took a photo of the orange sunset. I took it from up on a hill, where the city was outlined by the colors.
Chloe L.
Over spring break I took a photo at my uncle's land that he recently bought. There was a pond with cattails (the plant) all around it and I alined the sun behind one of them so it looked like the cattail was glowing and you can see the pond and grass in the background. - Jennifer J.
i took a photo when i was out on a walk with my family. the sun was just setting and the trees were starting to grow flowers and leaves again. lizeth v.r
One photo that I took was of a huntsman spider that I found in Hawaii. It was about 5 inches wide and I definitely wasn't expecting to come home to that. Reagan R
I personally didn't go anywhere very exciting over spring break so I just have some pictures of my boyfriend and friends. Also a few of my dog. None of them were planned out so they're not high quality pictures with good lighting, just a few moments I decided to take photos of. Jaelyn A.
This spring break I went to Cancun, Mexico. Before I went I was as pale as a ghost. But the first full day there I thought it would be a good idea to apply sunscreen to my shoulders and back about only 3 times for the whole day. Well that wasn't a good idea. The first night of the trip we took a picture and my back was BRIGHT RED. Short story short I am now tan. But always wear sunscreen kids. - Sadie H.
I took a picture of a rainbow and field full of trees over the break. It was sunset and almost foggy with rain evaporating. The rainbow really stuck out with the orcherd under it.
Jaynie R
I took a photo of my dog laying in my bed on her back, the background was just my blankets nothing really cool about it. Randy C
I took a picture of the Grand Canyon. It was hard to even capture it because it is so big. The mountains were huge and looked like a painting. I was standing very close to the edge.
Alexa D
A photo I took over spring break was when i went to bend at the top of smith rock.-Edson J
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