Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Homeless Portraits Blog
Today, go to THIS SITE and check out the GALLERIES.
1)Describe one image that specifically stuck in your head.
2) These portraits are fairly candid, yet they still read as a solid body of work-
What makes these portraits good?
3) What other 'sub culture' could you see yourself spending some time photographing/documenting? (like policemen, anime fans, the elderly... etc...)
4) HOW can photographing an issue like this help solve the problem at all?
Hit the COMMENTS tab.
Write your response, make it thoughtful & intelligent,
TWO to THREE sentences long...
AND school appropriate:)
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Vote on your favorite photo from the contest CLICK HERE Winners will be announced Thursday!!!!!!

Answer one of the the following questions in 2-3 sentences, 1) What do YOU like to photograph? 2) What would you like to learn to do ...
If you haven't done it yet PLEASE take a minute to RESERVE your PhotoJournalism topic up on the sign-up sheet on the whiteboard- the...
Follow this link to a sample of what Time/Life considers to be some of the most important photographs in history: http://www.digitaljournal...
Photographing an issue like this can help to solve the problem because more people will notice and be more aware of what's going on. These photos are good because they really capture the emotion in each person's face. All of them are good quality photos.
Chloe L.
The picture are good because the color of the photo is well rendered and the black background makes the colors in the picture pop.Personally I would take picture of nature up close.
The one image that stuck in my head is the one reference photo used for the blog. What makes these portraits good is that, It brings out the eye color and the really scuffed hair, I feel like its more real like all in my face. I could probably see myself photographing pretty much anything Im in to. These photos could help probably to let people know "hey theres other people out here struggling and look good at the same time" I feel like.
Bao N.
The seventh image with the man that has bright green eyes and sores all over his face. I think that what makes these portraits so good is that they show another side to some people that are usually overlooked and shamed. The eyes, especially make me wonder who they could be if they weren't homeless. I could see myself photographing any and/or all other types of subcultures. Photographing something like this brings awareness to how homeless people are living. It makes us sympathize with them and want to help them out. Savannah R-B
I think the thing that makes these photos good is how good the quality is. I think that photographing a problem is a great way to attempt to bring change and help solve the problem because it shows the public what these problems actually look like. Cody K
the photo that stcuk put to me was the photo of the red head women beacuce her eyes are so bright and she had scratches all over her face it drew me in . even thought they are close up photos they are so good because they capture the main parts like her face tells a story that you can read through her eyes mostly .jordyn.l
The image of the woman with meth wounds all over her face stuck out to me. They show the opposite if what most pictures try to portray; beauty and happiness. I could see myself spending time photographing wealthy people. This could help solve the issue by giving us a insight on these peoples lives.
Jaynie R
the most amazing one for me is the one of the woman who has so much wounds all around her face, she has some incredible eyes that tell so much and transmit a lot of emotions, thats what makes the portrait so good, and I think you could photograph as another subculture teachers and what you could find in common with all of them. This helps people realize of a reality we all see in society and don't give that much importance.
Rocio z
The last photo of the man making a funny face, even though he doesn't have a lot going for him he still has spirit. I think the overwhelming feeling you get from these photot's is why they are so good. Fire fighters because the day to day saving they do and the feeling of pure joy when they save someone. Get more people to understand them rather than be afraid.-skylar hays
The image that stuck in my head was the one with dale, he just wanted company he was lonely. These portraits are good because they are studio grade photos but taken of people on the street. I would spend time photographing people in the military. Helps people understand a problem and solve it. Kekoa.L
Pictures like this can help people that are homeless because it shows what they are going through and what they have to live through.
The 2nd to last one really stood out because it was the only black and white photo. The photos have a lot of emotion and are very raw. Photographing these issues can help bring awareness to them that they would not usually get.
Alexa D
One image that stuck in my head was the man with the plaid taxi cab hat. This stuck in my head because it reminds of my father, and grandfather. His piercing blue eyes looking up at the sky. A lot of these portraits have a certain look to them, with all very similar shadows. I would spend money of photographing homeless LGBTQ children or orphans are create a different feeling in each portrait. With photographing these kind of things it creates awareness and shows how real these people are. Rather than just people talking about it.
-Liv R
My favorite one was the last one because he genuinely looks like he's enjoying himself and looks super happy. These portraits are so good because of there immense detail. I could see myself taking photos of people skating. Photographing an issue like this can show detail to people that most don't pay attention to usually. Charlie B
an image that stuck to my head was of this guy who was smiling. even though he had a big beard you could tell he was still smiling. maybe he was told to smile or maybe he just did it. i think the quality and lighting makes these photos so good also the black in the background really makes the rest stand out. maybe taking pictures like this can make people see how hard it is for the homeless
-lizeth v.r
A portrait that stuck with me was the one of Glenn. The picture itself stuck out because of the way he is looking in the distance, and even though he isn't looking at the camera the eyes are still vivid. The way all of the eyes are vivid in his photo makes them good. I could see myself documenting animal rescue workers, or people that work in fields. Taking photos of different homeless people could help because it gives them more depth than just a homeless person; it tells another story.
Kaitlyn S
"Jake El Grande" John, really reminded me of a couple of the homeless guys around my work. Sarcastic and always making jokes. The portraits are really good because they capture the personality in every person. It also helps isolating the background. Photographing an issue like this helps people who have never interacted with homeless people see them as an actual person and not a threat. Jaelyn A
Taking these pictures and showing people that homeless people have a soul and heart rather than just being "bums on the street" is a start to help solve the problem. The image that stuck in my head was the last man because I read his caption and he said his life is copyrighted because its so amazing and that he loves drinking rum and people think he looks like MD.House. So the picture along with the caption made it stick out to me.
Brady B
The picture of the lady stood out to me because she was raw and pure. And in her description and statement she said it was her own fault she left home and that hit in a different way for me. -Sadie H.
The photo that stuck in my head was one with an old man who was smiling and has bright blue eyes. He had a beanie and his hood was over his beanie. These are good because they are good quality and one of the first thing you notice are the eyes. This brings awareness to an issue by seeing the conditions they are in.
-Jennifer J.
The photograph of Doug stuck in my mind. His personality in the caption of the photo is what stuck. The focus the photographer puts on the eyes of these people, in my opinion, is what makes these portraits. I don't think this will solve homelessness but I do think its a great way to show people. These are people, who are ignored and often forgotten in our society, and these portraits are to show this is not how things should be.
Claudia A.
There was one, the man with bright blue eyes a scruffy beard and a sweet smile.he seemed to look content.
These pictures to me I feel are really good because they are real and candid.I would love to see the photographs of deforestation and urbanization. it makes people aware of whats actually going on around them.
sabrah s.
This Photo is up close and you can see all the details in the mans face. What I really like about this is his eyes and how much they do themselves to this photo. I think it would be pretty cool to go around and photograph different people as they go through a normal day of work.-Edson J
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