The North American Nature Photography Association
has some great WILD ANIMAL shots.
Check out a few pages of them at this link:
WHO -among these photographers showcased- DO YOU THINK is the most interesting?
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I liked the scapes one because there was a clear reflection of a mountain or cliff behind them inside a tiny puddle.
I like the scapes one because there was a clear reflection of a mountain or cliff behind them inside a tiny puddle.
Bao N.
I like the one of the volcano erupting because it was captured in a really cool moment and just looks really good. Cody K
I think David A. Rein has a really cool picture of the Ibex Climbing the Tree. I like this one because it shows it in it's natural habitat but it also demonstrates an ability it has that no one would ever get to see unless it were photographed.
Sadie S
Steven Barger.I really like polar bears and he captures them in their natural habitat very well.
Alexa D
robbert williams and his mammels post was really cool because it showed the animal moving and it had a bird or something in its mouth which looked cool jordyn.l
Hector D. Astorga because he clearly would have to get high ground to take a picture of the volcano erupting. He must be extremely dedicated and talented at rock climbing.
my Favorite was the picture of the sting ray. I liked the way it looked because it looks like it flys over the the water instead of jumping.
I think that Jeff S Maltzman image is the most interesting. I like the way he used the reflection in the water to get the background. It just adds another wow factor. Kekoa.L
I find the fox one interesting because it's a clear photo and I wonder how he managed to take a picture of it running towards him since animals tend to run away. Also I think foxes is a beautiful animal.
-Jennifer J.
I think Rona Schwarz was the most interesting because she didn't capture or try to capture something that is ordinary and that everybody has seen. Her piece tells us a story. Savannah R-B
I liked Jeff S Maltzman because of how he plays with the reflection of the water and i think its really clever and looks beautiful.
Rocio Z
I think Mollie Isaacs's picture is really interesting. Because it plays with light making the background dark, so the picture has a mysterious feeling. It definitely adds a cool look to a picture of a bald eagle.
Kaitlyn S
I thought Charles M. Gangas work was very interesting because he caught the animals in action. My favorite was the picture of the sting ray jumping out of the water. Mia M
the picture i picked was scapes because it really caught my attention at first and then when i clicked on it i liked the cactus reflecting off and how clear it looks -lizeth v.r
I think that Barney Koszalka with her landscapes picture. It creates and makes me think that the trees are people like. The cool and warm tones are truly beatuiful. -Liv R
I really Like the photos of the polar bears. They are so cute and so "fwuffy", I very much enjoy these photos because its a mother and her 3 cubs and she is taking care of them.
Sabrah S.
I liked Robert William Schamerhorns photo I like the way he caught the fox in its natural habitat hunting for food. I thought it was interesting how he got the fox in mid run, and his eyes are a main focus of the picture for me and I like how he blurred out the background and focused on the fox.
I liked Robert William Schamerhorns photo I like the way he caught the fox in its natural habitat hunting for food. I thought it was interesting how he got the fox in mid run, and his eyes are a main focus of the picture for me and I like how he blurred out the background and focused on the fox. - Sadie H.
Karen Hunt captured a really cool moment of two bears fighting. Its cool because they're both stanced and one is swinging and the other looks to be dodging the hit.
Brady B
I really liked Hector's mammals. I love how the gorilla has emotion and it makes me think about the picture a lot.
I liked the fox one, Its so cute and tiny and its just doin its own thing- skylar hays
Lindsay N Donald has a really good picture of two bears fighting/playing in a river in Alaska. I liked the splashes of water you could see all over from the bears moving around. Jaelyn A
Hector D. Astorga took a really good photo of a gorilla. I think the emotion in the photo makes the photo different than the others. It seems very human and it has a lot of emotion with the photo.
Jaedon K.
I like the picture of the fox running with the animal in its mouth. This picture is focused on the fox and there is nothing in the background distracting the viewer. Reagan R
I lIke William Page Pully because he only photographs birds. Charlie BYRD
I liked Amy Marques, I think it looked really nature and realistic of how everything was set up.
Alyson. D
I like Amy Marques because of how it also captures the penguins in the back flying.Edson J
I thought Charles M. Gangas work was very interesting because he caught the animals in action. My favorite was the picture of the sting ray jumping out of the water. Mia M
my Favorite was the picture of the sting ray. I liked the way it looked because it looks like it flys over the the water instead of jumping. Tyler O
I really liked
Cynthia Lockwood because the photo she did caught my with color and beauty. The picture was of trees with their leave turning red in the fall in what looks like a marsh.
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