A photomeme is an online photography project that contains a series of shots all on the SAME SUBJECT-
Why would someone do this?
Would you have the patience to do this?
What sort of MEME do you think you and your friends would contribute photos to?
How do you think this could help someone with their diet/nutrition?
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It should be TWO to THREE sentences long...
AND school appropriate:)
I don't know myself why someone would do this. I would not have the patience to do this I feel like it was a waste of time just take a picture of everything you eat. Meme whys every time I yell at my screen and bang my desk when I get mad at my game. I don't know how this would help with someones cause a diet is something you plan and do on your own.
I think that someone would do this so that they could track what they eat to kind of watch their diet. I definitely would not have the patience to do this because having to take a picture of myself before I ate anything would be really annoying and time consuming. Cody K
For attention and to show their dedication to a "project". I would not have the patience to do this. Probably a relatable meme. They could capture their eating habits and how they change/affect them over time.
Jaynie R
Out of fun and to get some laughs.I would do this.this could help and encourage people to try new things.My friends would probably contribute to the guy with logic meme.
Someone might do this to see their diet over the time they were taking the pictures. I probably wouldn't have the patience to do this only because I don't think I could handle taking my phone out and taking a picture of myself every time I ate. This could probably help someone realize how much they were eating and what types of food were more consistent, like in her case the lays chips. Jaelyn A
Someone might do this to see progress or to document something they don't want to forget. I might have the patience to do something like this, if it were simple and only one photo a day, not up to eight. I don't see myself doing meme photos with my friends at all. This could help someone with their diet and nutrition because they could look back and see how to improve their diets, or if they liked something they ate, they could more easily remember because they have photo evidence.
Sadie S
Maybe someone would do this to remember what they ate last or to promote ending world hunger. Theres too much dedication for not enough outcome. Now she's made her life into counting how many times she does a thing. I wouldn't have the patience or even bother to remember with something like this.
Brady B
I could see someone doing this more as a joke, but doing this on food could be used for tracking how healthy you are. No, I would not have the patience to do this. The kind of meme I could do is taking photos of all of the different clothes i've worn. Like I said, this could help with health by tracking the food eaten you can change your diet easer.
Kaitlyn S
I don't know myself why someone would do this. I would not have the patience to do this I feel like it was a waste of time just take a picture of everything you eat. Meme wise every time I yell at my screen and bang my desk when I get mad at a game. I don't know how this would help with someones diet cause a diet is something you can plan and do on your own.
-Bao N.
I feel that people would do this document what they eat over time. I would not have the patience to do this, I couldn't take a photo of everything I ate. This could help people stay on a diet, because they would not only see the food they are eating, but also how they are changing over time. Kekoa.L
Someone could do this maybe just for fun. Its something simple but still unique and interesting. I myself would for 1 not have the patience and 2 I would most likely forget to keep up on it. Some one could probably make it into a "food obsession" meme. It could help keep track of food consumption and the effect it has of the body.
Sabrah s.
I feel like this can help someone with there diet because it would make the person more aware of what they are eating. And they could notice what kind of food they are eating to much of or to little of.
I think someone might do this if they are severely bored or if they honestly wanted to see how they changed over the course of a year in what they eat or how they look when they eat. I would not have the patience to do this, especially when I am super busy; taking these pictures every day would be a waste of time and become a chore to me. Savannah R-B
I think this is something funny you can do but I don't really think it has a lot of benefits, its something you can show and have as a memory but i wouldn't do it basically because i wouldn't remember everyday to take a picture of me eating.
I think someone would want to do this because they are interested in their own habits and can look back and remember something about that photo. I would not have the patience nor is it something I am interested in doing. Probably a meme about school or something like that. It could help track their diet since they can see what they ate before.
-Jennifer J.
i would not do this beacue i think it is a waste of time and i wouldnt want to wait for a photo to be taken .when i eat food i wanna eat and not take photos jordyn.l
Rocio Z
somebody would do this to be funny and to document something that they do every day, but I wouldn't have the patience to do this. A photomeme my friends and I could do would be a picture of our faces at school everyday. This photomeme could help someone with diet/nutrition because it could give them different ideas of what to eat. Mia M
someone would do this maybe just to see what they have eaten or to keep track of their meals. i would not do this not only because im impatient but i would probably forget to do it everyday. i dont really think this would help anyone with their diet. it could make people watch what they eat but it could also have a negative affect to a person. -lizeth v.r
Somebody might do this because they have absolutely nothing better to do. I wouldn't do this nor do I have the patience to do it. I don't think I would contribute photos to anything like this. Could help with a diet because you can see everything you've eaten in the past.
Someone could do this to track what they eat or because they think it is funny. I personally would not have the patience to do this. It could help their diet by tracking what they eat everyday and looking back to make improvements.
Alexa D
Someone might do this because they want to document time, and sometimes people just need something to look forward to, and this might be her thing. I would have the patience to this, I might forget to do it somedays but taking a photo that will take 5 seconds isn't enough to loose my patience. I think me and my friends would contribute to the same one as this lady. I dont know how this could help someone with their diet until they're done taking pictures.
Claudia A.
Someone might do this because they want to be funny and unique and they might want to document something different. I wouldn't have the patience to do this because I don't have enough time in my day to do this. I would contribute to memes about school. This could contribute to someones diet by having them watch what they eat.-Sadie H.
Someone could see this and think it would be fun to re-create. They could also be inspired by the success of others' photos and want to achieve the same goals.
I think someone would do this to watch their eating habits and diet. I would not have the patience to do this at all. I feel like memes about school are something me and my friends would contribute to. i think it would help someone get to thier goals. -skylar h
Someone may do this to track all the food they are eating. I would not have the patience to do this. If someone who is on a diet and is really proud maybe they want to photograph their journey to be able to look back on. -Edson J
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